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SIVIS Enterprise Security ist die ultimative Lösung für schnelles und effektives IAM. Entdecken Sie unsere Editionen und finden Sie die Option, die den Anforderungen Ihres Unternehmens entspricht. 

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Ermitteln Sie Ihr Einsparpotenzial

Durch die Implementierung der SIVIS Enterprise Security können Sie die Zeit Ihrer Mitarbeiter effektiv einsparen, die Lizenzkosten erheblich senken und die potenziellen Risiken im Zusammenhang mit Sicherheitslücken minimieren. Berechnen Sie Ihr Einsparungspotenzial.


Weniger Zeit für Onboarding und Offboarding


Verringern Sie den Zeitaufwand für die Benutzerverwaltung


Minimierung des Risikos der Sicherheitsverstöße

Calculate your savings

Please be aware that all the calculations provided are based on estimations derived from studies and experiences within the industry. Review our disclaimer for further details.




Annual savings on onboarding and offboarding i The calculator assumes a 2-hour duration for both onboarding and offboarding processes. SIVIS Enterprise Security cuts access-related onboarding and offboarding tasks by 75%.
Translates time saved into its monetary value. Staff turnover for your industry: -
Annual savings on user administration i If an employee needs 3 yearly edits to their user and access profile, each taking about 10 minutes manually, this adds up to a time-consuming task. However, SIVIS Enterprise Security reduces this labor-intensive process by 75% through the complete automation of all access-related procedures.
Translates time saved into its monetary value.
Annual savings on auditing and reporting i According to a Gartner survey, midsize businesses typically employ 14 employees per 1,000 employees to handle auditing and reporting tasks. These tasks, in general, consume 20% of the IT department’s time every year.
Translates time saved into its monetary value.
Annual savings on license costs i Software licenses, like Microsoft 365 for business, can come with a significant price tag, typically around 18.55 Euros. Regrettably, numerous companies often find themselves burdened with an excess of licenses, resulting in wasted funds on unused or unnecessary ones. On average, companies tend to over-license by approximately 38%. SIVIS Enterprise Security optimizes software license allocation, saving companies money by addressing unused licenses.
Achievable savings depends greatly on your current license distribution.
Annual savings from decreased risk of a security breach i According to IBM, 83% of organizations have experienced at least one data breach. The more employees, the higher the likelihood of a security breach. An Identity & Access Management platform like SIVIS Enterprise Security reduces the risk of a breach by up to 50%.
The value indicates an expected amount. It translates the risk factors into monetary value. The average expense of a security breach in your industry is: -. For a better insight into the cost of a security breach, read the IBM Report.

Please note that the calculations provided offer estimates on potential savings, including time and risk reductions, through the use of SIVIS Enterprise Security. However, these estimations are based on industry studies and experiences and do not guarantee precise outcomes. They serve as a guide rather than a guaranteed representation of savings. Actual results may vary due to factors like your software infrastructure's complexity and your organization's specific needs. For a detailed understanding of our product's potential benefits, we encourage you to reach out to our team.

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